Quickly search for F5 images in Azure and AWS
This post is solely so I can copy/paste this in future instead of spending 5 mins re-learning this every 6 months.
#commands to search f5 images in Azure Marketplace with az cli
#get all offers from f5
az vm image list --publisher f5-networks --location eastus2 --all | jq .[].offer
#get all skus within an offer
az vm image list --publisher f5-networks --offer f5-big-ip-best --location eastus2 --all | jq .[].sku
#get all versions within a sku
az vm image list --publisher f5-networks --offer f5-big-ip-best --sku f5-big-best-plus-hourly-25mbps --location eastus2 --all | jq .[].version
#get a specific image
az vm image list --publisher f5-networks --offer f5-big-ip-best --sku f5-big-best-plus-hourly-25mbps --location eastus2 --all
#commands to search f5 AWS AMI's using aws cli
#filter images by description
aws ec2 describe-images --region us-east-1 --filter "Name=name,Values=F5*BIGIP*16.1*" | jq .Images[].Name