Let’s Encrypt cert automation for Bitnami Wordpress
I am no Wordpress expert. I have found a Bitnami Wordpress image, running via AWS Lightsail, to be very cheap. I pay around $6/mth for a small EC2 instance, VPC, public IP address, all as part of a Lightsail deployment.
How to update SSL certs for Bitnami Wordpres
- Log into AWS with personal account.
- username is my personal email address
- password is stored in vault
- Navigate to Lightsail service, and see the public IP of the EC2 VM instance that’s running.
- SSH to the VM.
- Username is bitnami.
- SSH key: mikeo-keypair-personal.ppk
- Run
sudo /opt/bitnami/bncert-tool
- I had to then fill out the prompts with the URL’s that I wanted, comma-separated.
- That should be it. After this, there should be a cron job that updates the certs every 90 days or so.
You can also manually use the cert tool to generate SSL certs and then put them in the correct directory.

Wordpress Admin
This is something I have left up to the website owner, but for my own reference:
- URL: https://the-domain-of-the-pain-clinic/wp-admin
- username: henklecosmetics
- password: [this one has been communicated to website admin]
There is another user, too:
- URL: https://the-domain-of-the-pain-clinic/wp-admin
- username: my personal email address
- password: [this one has been communicated to website admin]
This worked for me: https://docs.bitnami.com/aws/how-to/generate-install-lets-encrypt-ssl/