Migrate Bitnami Wordpress between servers, Part 3
Ugh. I thought I was done, but I have a Part 3 to write.
AWS Lightsail Bitnami Wordpress and sending mail
I realized that I had set up Amazon SES in the past under my own account. I needed to move it to my buddy’s AWS account. Here we go.
Short version is that using Amazon SES is documented here, but really that’s no better than generic Amazon SES documentation. We want something Wordpress-specific, and ideally something that is “Bitnami Wordpress on AWS Lightsail”-specific.
Within Wordpress, I actually had to activate the plugin called WP Mail SMTP, just like is outlined in these specific instructions from Bitnami.
I would take screenshots, but those in the linked document above were exactly what I had. After following the first link and creating SMTP creds in SES, I was able to enter them into my Wordpress installation, and configure the SMTP host email-smtp.us-east-2.amazonaws.com
After verifying the email address I want to send my mail to, and the domain, my contact forms now work.
After doing all of this, I see that Amazon has instructions specifically for Lightsail Wordpress instances. These are the best instructions that I’ve seen regarding this procedure.
A couple more things
- I changed my wp-config.php file one last time:
define( 'DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE', 'lowellpaincenter.com' );
was changed to
I think this allows me to login to either site and get to the Network Admin Dashboard. Before, I could only do this if logged into lowellpaincenter
- I removed SSH (TCP/22) from allowed FW rules in Lightsail. Now, for admin access to CLI, myself or someone else will need to log into the AWS Lightsail console and re-enable. Even after that, SSH will require authenticating with my private key.