Sponsoring the Meetup

Why should I sponsor the Boston Kubernetes Meetup?

  • reach smart, motivated engineers in Boston
  • inexpensive way to support the community with good will
  • I always share your logo and say thanks a few times during the MC portion

How much does it cost?

  • We only look to have food and beverages covered. Usually around $15 per attendee.
  • We get around 50 engineers per event. 50 x $15 = $750 or so.
  • Google provide a venue to meet (thanks Google!)

I’ve created a checklist if you are willing to sponsor with food and beverages.

Can I present at the meetup?

Of course! Any engineer with a topic around Kubernetes is welcome to present. As a goal, I would love to see more women in technology roles, more minority speakers, and more young people looking to grow their networking skills. But any engineer is welcome to present - just no sales pitches please.

Can I bring swag?

Sure, but it’s not required at all. We focus on the technology, so the rule of “no sales pitches” applies to all presentations - even if you’re sponsoring food and bev. But hey, everyone loves free stuff! So if you want to donate a raffle item or just give away stickers, have at it.